Effective seo methods of website promotion

One way is to pay for sponsored placement in the top search engines. To be successful , however, this method requires a big budget and a lot of your time. If you do not have the money or time to devote to paid advertising on a search engine , you can use some techniques to design that will make the most impact on the visibility of your website in search engine. Just Arm yourself better understanding of how search engines work , and start with self- promoting your site using a variety of tools SEO optimization.

The sole purpose of the search engines – getting clicks as clicks profitable . Views made ​​by users. Therefore, the site should be user friendly and search engine friendly. Developed by the user , this is your top priority which helps to optimize it for search engines. Programming the site should be for optimum readability user. Use text and images wherever possible. When you use an image , make sure to give them descriptive tags ALT, to help people with impaired vision. Remember that search engines index all the text on your website , so include keywords in ALT, as the main text.

Make a list of targeted keywords

It may seem that you need psychic ability to identify them , but to get into the mind of your potential users is important. Try to anticipate the keywords that the user will use to find your site. Your keyword list can include related words and common phrases for your specialized services. Think about how a user would describe your offer. You can also use the opportunities provided by programs such as Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing, Alternate keywords. These functions are often used to predict and calculate the budget and present suggestions for alternate keywords. Suggestions based on actual use search because they offer a good idea. And, you can use the test for free.

Maintain good site navigation

Search engines track the amount of time between clicks by the search results page . Thus, when the user spends more time on your site before visiting the search page again , the search engine assumes that your site has been submitted for useful keywords. This will affect the higher ranking of your website. So make sure your navigation structure shows the reader how to get where he wants to go , and keeps it moving through your site. You’ve heard of usually 3 clicks , the user will click on the button as long as he finds the information on which it came.

Add meaningful page titles

Include specific names for each page in the design process . Do not just offer a general name for each page of your site. Because search engines are exploring almost all the links to your website, your home page is the only page that visitors will use to access the site. Make sure that the title for each page is relevant to the content. SEO gurus suggest that you fill the headlines many keywords in an attempt to move your site to the search engines above. But the approach is aimed at users , however, recommends that the names were short and easily digested visitors. If the content of your page displays targeted search keyword for which you would like to attract users , then you will have no problem with the inclusion of these words in the title.

A qualitative description of the page

You can also add a short description for each page through the use of meta tags. Many search engines still use those meta description as the text that appears on the search results page after the title . In the absence of objective description , search engines often show the first few lines of text that appear on your page or a few lines around a specific keyword . The purpose of description, however , give you the ability to better control the messages issued by visitors to find and to increase your targeted keywords.


Despite all the tips and tricks for search engine optimization , the best tool to increase your search engine rankings still have quality content. When writing your site , make sure to include in your list of target keywords whenever possible. Do not overdo it , but your information has yet to be logical and understandable to the reader. Remember that users tend to browse web pages with model F, as a rule, read short explanations that pop up from the rest. So do not forget to include the text near the top of the page – above the fold in terms of traditional advertising. This will not only give valuable information without scrolling, but it will include the keywords. Short lines are often more digestible for the user than long paragraphs. In addition, including text links within your content are paying attention to keywords and carry visitors to other pages of your website.

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